Practical Advice To Get You Closer To Your Desired QA Future
Get evidence-based help that is grounded in lived experience to increase productivity & lower your costs

It is hard enough out there. Get all the help you can. Getting help really is just a part of that lifelong search for wisdom.
Through years of experience across continents, verticals and domains we understand that giving effective, practical and valuable advice is not a simple of matter of applying a formula or theoretical model. You have a unique set of goals, needs and constraints that demand meticulous consideration, creativity and tailor-made solutions.
For this reason we use a set of overarching principles and supporting processes to structure our consulting advice, rather than be enslaved by them. Therefore, our 5 overarching principles include:
- Quality and time to market are key drivers of business success
- Methodologies and models must be adapted to suit the customer's journey and desired state
- A successful development and quality program is built on the bedrock of a high-performance culture
- Applications should conform to business' needs, not vice-versa
- The past should teach us lessons, not be consigned to the recycle bin
Whether you seek a strategy review, brand new strategy or independent verification of an existing program, we can employ a number of different instruments to provide thought leadership that is grounded in experience and actionable from the outset.
Areas Where We Can Help You

Architecture Design & Review
Are your tech stacks and applications designed to help you achieve your business goals and flexible enough to accommodate growth? Our analysis goes beyond Windows & Linux.
How can you make the transformation to DevOps in a way that not only optimises your current IT operations, but also readies you for sustainable & ballistic growth?

Digital Transformation
Are you serving your teams, customers, vendors & partners in ways that make sense to them & with a strategy that allows you to maintain control & grow profits?
Cybersecurity & DevSecOps
How can your teams architect, build & maintain your applications & infrastructure so that your users' trust in you grows & so that your security prowess becomes a competitive advantage?Benefits To You Of Our Consulting Advice

Build Trust
As external experts we work with all areas of your organisation to build trust not only in us, but also within your teams. Developing trust is not only an important element in asking the right questions & finding practical answers, but also in helping you create a cohesive and high-performance culture after we have left.

Actionable Plans
A strategy is useless unless it is can be converted into actionable items for your team. While we will push some boundaries to help take your development and quality program to the next level, we are always cognizant of building a solid bridge toward the end goal, rather than asking you take giant leaps of faith.

Thought Leadership
You will hire us not to be "yes-men", but to help you move towards a development and / or quality program that will deliver real business benefits. Because of our experience across industries and quest for innovation in technologies and processes, we bring a unique blend of ideas and insights to the table.

Independent Specialists
True independence is a rare trait in today's world. Our independence from the antiquated models and alliances helps us in delivering frank and unbiased assessments and recommendations. We realise that our perceived and demonstrated independence will help us build trust with your team for many engagements beyond the immediate one at hand.

From Development to Delivery
While we do develop applications besides our own testing tools, we are acutely aware of how poor application architecture can impact quality and speed to market. Therefore, we recommend that our consulting remit cover the entire development and quality process, because this helps us identify and resolve roadblocks throughout the development and delivery cycle.
See how we can help you achieve your goals
6 compelling reasons why fast-growing SaaS companies & smart software teams trust our pen testing services:
✔ No-selling, just discovering & understanding
✔ Get to the bottom of your actual roadblocks
✔ Understand how others in your shoes have overcome roadblocks
✔ Unbiased advice to get you closer to your desired future
✔ Credentialed experts with a breadth of experience